What You Get!

MSR Protocols
By joining our MSR Community (MSR PRO), you get access to a huge collection of MSR Protocols videos. Refresh your memory about the many important structures that you treat. These videos will also support your knowledge when you learn our MSR Protocols in our live courses.
Check out the MSR Protocols topics below.
Watch this example video
This is a great resource for all practitioners.

Patient Exercises
Join our MSR Community (MSR BASIC, MSR PLUS, or MSR PRO) to get access to a huge collection of Exercise videos. Discover how to increase patient engagement by prescribing custom exercise protocols for each patient.
These videos will also help to support your knowledge when you learn our MSR Protocols in our live courses.
Check out some of the Exercise topics below.
Watch this ‘example’ video.
This is a great resource for all practitioners.

Biomechanics & Functional Testing
By joining our MSR Community (MSR PLUS or MSR PRO), you get access to our ever-growing collection of Biomechanics and Functional Testing videos.
Refresh your memory about the many important functional tests that you can use, and discover how a deeper understanding of human biomechanics can help improve your techniques and analysis.
These videos will also support your knowledge when you learn our MSR Protocols in our live courses.
Check out the Biomechanics and Functional Testing topics below.
Watch this example video
This is a great resource for all practitioners.

Anatomy Review
By joining our MSR Community (MSR PLUS or MSR PRO), you get access to a huge collection of Anatomy videos to refresh your memory about the many important structures that you treat.
These videos will also support your knowledge when you learn our MSR Protocols in our LIVE courses.
Check out some of the Anatomy topics below.
Watch this example anatomy video
This is a great resource for all practitioners.