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MSR Golf Maintenance Program

Dr. Brian Abelson

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Golfer Finishing Swing

This blog delves into the essentials of golf maintenance care, a sport where precision and performance reign supreme. As a golfer, your body must be finely tuned to excel on the course.

In this article, we will traverse the realms of maintenance care art and science, shedding light on recognizing muscle restrictions in golfers through palpatory and visual cues such as tenderness, limited motion range, muscle tightness, asymmetry, or postural alterations. You can address these restrictions by adopting proactive measures like osseous and soft tissue mobilization, targeted stretching, and corrective exercises, ensuring optimal performance while minimizing injury risks.

Article Index:

The Upper Body

Core & Lower Extremity


Conclusion & References


Upper Extremity - Golf Maintenance

Your upper extremity is vital in executing a powerful and accurate swing in golf. To achieve consistent performance and reduce the risk of injuries, it's essential to prioritize maintenance care for these muscles. This section will focus on the importance of the upper extremities and how targeted care can enhance your golfing experience.

Golfer Just Finishing a Swing

Primary muscles involved in the upper extremity during a golf swing:


  • Action: This muscle controls shoulder and neck movements. During a golf swing, the upper right trapezius is activated once, while the middle trapezius on both sides is activated twice.

  • Palpatory Clues: Tenderness upon palpation in the upper or mid-region, muscle knots, or hypertonicity.

  • Visual Clues: Elevated shoulder on one side, head tilting, or restricted cervical range of motion.

Pectoralis Major

  • Action: Crucial for controlling arm movements. They are activated twice bilaterally during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Tenderness on palpation near the sternum or at the muscle's attachment to the humerus, tightness or taut bands.

  • Visual Clues: Rounded shoulders, internal rotation of arms, and inhibited scapular retraction.


  • Action: Assists in internal rotation of the arm and stabilizes the shoulder joint. They are activated twice bilaterally during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Tenderness deep under the scapula and resistance during internal rotation tests.

  • Visual Clues: Limited internal rotation, compensatory use of other muscles during arm movements.

Serratus Anterior

  • Action: Aids in scapular movement and stabilization. It is activated three times on the right side during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Tenderness along the ribs under the scapula, muscle tightness.

  • Visual Clues: Winged scapula, uneven shoulder height, and difficulty in reaching overhead.


  • Action: Helps in external rotation of the arm and stabilizes the shoulder joint. It is activated twice on the left side during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Tenderness at the posterior aspect of the shoulder, muscle spasms, or trigger points.

  • Visual Clues: Limited external rotation of the arm, scapular dyskinesis.


  • Action: Helps control scapular movements. It is activated once on the left side during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Tenderness between the scapula and the spine, muscle tightness or hypertonicity.

  • Visual Clues: Scapular retraction difficulty, winging, or unlevelled shoulders.


MSR Upper Body Demonstration Video

MSR Upper Body Demonstration Video
Click Image to Watch Video

In this video, Dr. Abelson showcases the efficacy of Motion Specific Release procedures for upper extremity maintenance care in golfers. The MSR approach enhances performance and reduces the risk of injuries.


Core & Lower Extremity - Golf Maintenance

Golfer Performing a Downswing

Primary muscles involved in the core and lower extremity during a golf swing:

Erector Spinae

  • Action: It is primarily involved in maintaining an upright posture and facilitating rotation and extension of the spine. It was activated once on the left side during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Increased muscle tone upon palpation, tenderness localized to specific vertebral levels, and possible fascial adhesions.

  • Visual Clues: Limited spinal extension or hyperlordosis, asymmetrical lumbar or thoracic curvature.

Gluteus Maximus

  • Action: Crucial for providing power and stability during the swing. Activated twice bilaterally during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Hypertonicity, presence of myofascial trigger points, restricted fascial glide.

  • Visual Clues: Decreased posterior chain activation, inhibited hip extension during functional movement.

Gluteus Medius

  • Action: This muscle aids in trunk rotation and provides lateral stability. It is activated three times on the right side during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Palpable taut bands, tenderness at the muscle origin near the iliac crest.

  • Visual Clues: Trendelenburg gait or stance, lateral pelvic tilt.

Abdominal Obliques

  • Action: This is essential for facilitating trunk rotation and maintaining balance. It is activated three times during a golf swing (two times on the right and once on the left).

  • Palpatory Clues: Reduced elasticity, localized hypertonicity, especially near rib attachments, and presence of myofascial trigger points.

  • Visual Clues: Altered trunk rotation mechanics, asymmetrical abdominal contraction or bracing.


  • Action: Provides stability and aids in force transfer from the lower body to the upper body. Activated twice bilaterally during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Taut bands palpable in the posterior thigh, tenderness near the ischial tuberosity.

  • Visual Clues: Limited knee flexion, restricted hip extension during functional movements.

Adductor Magnus

  • Action: This helps stabilize the lower body during the swing. It is activated twice on the left side during a golf swing.

  • Palpatory Clues: Tightness along the medial aspect of the thigh, restricted fascial glide, tenderness at the muscle's proximal attachment.

  • Visual Clues: Inhibited hip abduction, possible medial rotation of the affected limb during stance.

Vastus Lateralis

  • Action: It contributes to lower body stability and power. It is activated five times bilaterally during a golf swing (four times on the left, once on the right).

  • Palpatory Clues: Hypertonicity or rigid bands upon palpation, tenderness at muscle origin or insertion sites, restricted fascial movement over the anterolateral thigh.

  • Visual Clues: Compromised knee extension, potential valgus knee alignment during loading or dynamic activities.


MSR Core & Lower Extremity Demonstration Video

MSR Core & Lower Extremity Demonstration Video
Click Image to Watch Video

In this video, Dr. Abelson showcases the efficacy of Motion-Specific Release procedures for core and lower extremity maintenance in golfers. The MSR approach enhances performance and reduces the risk of injuries.


Maintenance Care Image

Recommended Golf Maintenance Frequency

Golf is a highly technical sport that demands physical skill and biomechanical precision. For amateur or professional golfers, maintaining optimal musculoskeletal health is paramount. This is especially true given the golf swing's repetitive and asymmetrical nature, which strains certain muscle groups and joints. Here's an outline of ideal maintenance manual treatment care frequency for golfers throughout the different phases of the season:


Professional Golfers:

  • Frequency: Weekly

  • Focus: Preparing the body for the upcoming season, with an emphasis on enhancing mobility, strength, and balance. This is a prime time to address any lingering off-season issues and ensure the body is primed for performance.

Amateur Golfers:

  • Frequency: Monthly

  • Focus: Evaluating and improving range of motion, addressing pain or discomfort from the off-season, and preparing the body for more frequent play.

Golf Season

Professional Golfers:

  • Frequency: 1-2 times per week

  • Focus: Targeted treatment of active issues, tournament recovery, and mobility and flexibility. Regular checks can help identify and address minor issues before they become major problems.

Amateur Golfers:

  • Frequency: Bi-weekly to monthly

  • Focus: Address any pain or restrictions felt during play, maintain a good range of motion, and prevent chronic issues from developing.


Professional Golfers:

  • Frequency: Bi-weekly to monthly

  • Focus: Recovery, rehab of injuries, and addressing biomechanical imbalances. This is an excellent time for a more extensive musculoskeletal evaluation and to undertake corrective exercises.

Amateur Golfers:

  • Frequency: Every 1-2 months or as needed

  • Focus: Recovery from the playing season and addressing chronic or nagging issues. The off-season can be used to work on improving overall musculoskeletal health, potentially through a guided exercise regimen.

The above guidelines are generalized and can vary based on individual needs. Age, injury history, playing frequency, and overall health can influence the ideal treatment frequency. As always, consulting with a qualified healthcare professional is essential to tailor a maintenance plan best suited for the individual golfer's needs. Regular self-care routines, including stretching, strength training, and proprioceptive exercises, can complement manual treatments and enhance overall musculoskeletal health.


Female Golfer Graphic

Conclusion - Golf Maintenance

In the intricate dance of golf, amateur and professional players must prioritize musculoskeletal health to excel. Given the sport's repetitive and asymmetrical nature, it's crucial to have a systematic approach to maintenance throughout the golf season, pre-season, and off-season. This not only addresses immediate concerns but also staves off potential long-term issues.

Individual factors like age, playing frequency, and overall health will invariably influence the ideal treatment frequency, making it vital to collaborate with healthcare professionals in fields such as chiropractic medicine or physical therapy. When integrated with self-care routines like stretching and strength training, this holistic approach ensures that golfers remain at the peak of their game, minimizing downtime and maximizing performance. Embracing such a comprehensive strategy intertwines the love of the game with the love for one's health, propelling players to success both on the green and in life.



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  2. Bechler, J. R., Jobe, F. W., Pink, M., Perry, J., & Ruwe, P. A. (1995). Electromyographic analysis of the hip and knee during the golf swing. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 5(3), 162-166.

  3. Pink, M., Jobe, F. W., & Perry, J. (1990). Electromyographic analysis of the shoulder during the golf swing. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 18(2), 137-140.

  4. Horan, S. A., Evans, K., Morris, N. R., & Kavanagh, J. J. (2012). Thorax and pelvis kinematics during the downswing of male and female skilled golfers. Journal of Biomechanics, 45(9), 1456-1462.

  5. McTeigue, M., Lamb, S. R., Mottram, R., & Pirozzolo, F. (1994). Spine and hip motion analysis during the golf swing. In Science and golf II: Proceedings of the world scientific congress of golf (pp. 50-58).

  6. Myers, J., Lephart, S., Tsai, Y. S., Sell, T., Smoliga, J., & Jolly, J. (2008). The role of upper torso and pelvis rotation in driving performance during the golf swing. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(2), 181-188.

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  14. Chu, Y., Sell, T. C., & Lephart, S. M. (2010). The relationship between biomechanical variables and driving performance during the golf swing. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28(11), 1251-1259.

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Photo of Dr. Brian Abelson

With over 30 years of clinical practice and experience in treating over 25,000 patients with a success rate of over 85%, Dr. Abelson created the powerful and effective Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems.

As an internationally best-selling author, he aims to educate and share techniques to benefit the broader healthcare community.

A perpetual student himself, Dr. Abelson continually integrates leading-edge techniques into the MSR programs, with a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary care. His work constantly emphasizes patient-centred care and advancing treatment methods. His practice, Kinetic Health, is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


MSR Instructor Mike Burton Smiling

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