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Piriformis Syndrome: Manual Therapy & Exercise Solution

Dr. Brian Abelson

Updated: Sep 18, 2024

Abstract Image of Hips

Piriformis Syndrome (PS) is a type of sciatica in which the piriformis muscle in the buttock irritates or compresses the sciatic nerve, causing pain and discomfort along its pathway. Unlike issues like disc herniation, PS involves nerve entrapment in the deep gluteal space, which is related to Deep Gluteal Syndrome (DGS).

This article will explore PS, detailing its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. We'll examine the anatomy of the piriformis muscle and its connection to the sciatic nerve, discuss factors contributing to PS, and explain how it is diagnosed and treated. We aim to provide a clear understanding of PS for practitioners and patients, aiding in accurate identification and effective management.

Article Index:


Piriformis Anatomy Image

Causes and Considerations

Definition and Clinical Presentation:

  • Piriformis Syndrome is characterized by buttock pain and sciatic nerve irritation due to compression by the piriformis muscle.

  • Symptoms include pain, numbness, and tingling radiating from the buttock down the leg, often worsening with sitting or activity.

Anatomical Considerations and Variations:

  • The piriformis muscle stabilizes and rotates the hip; its relation to the sciatic nerve varies among individuals.

  • Anatomical variations in this relationship may predispose to nerve compression, with muscle spasms or hypertrophy exacerbating the condition.

Epidemiology and Gender Disparity:

  • PS is more common in women, possibly due to wider pelvises and hormonal effects on muscles and ligaments.

  • It often affects athletes and those in sedentary occupations, highlighting the need for targeted interventions based on patient demographics and activity levels.


Fibrous Band Image

Mechanisms Underlying Piriformis Syndrome

Sciatic Nerve Compression Dynamics:

  • Compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle can result from intramuscular changes such as hypertrophy, myospasm, or inflammation, often incited by mechanical stressors or acute trauma.

Causal Factors:

  • Extrinsic factors like occupational ergonomic risks and athletic overuse contrast with intrinsic anatomical variations, such as the bifid piriformis or anomalous sciatic nerve piercing, which elevate the risk for PS development.

Contributions of Fibrous Bands:

  • Collagenous fibrous bands can form perineurally, leading to adhesions that restrict neural mobility and potentiate entrapment neuropathy along the sciatic nerve's course.

Fascial Tension Interplay:

  • Increased tension within the piriformis fascial sheath may impair the nerve's ability to glide, causing symptomatology that mirrors direct nerve entrapment and necessitates differential diagnosis for appropriate management.


Clinical Manifestations

Specific Symptomatology:

  • Piriformis Syndrome primarily presents as a deep, aching pain in the buttock, often radiating down the leg along the sciatic nerve's path. This pain can intensify with sitting, climbing stairs, or running. Other symptoms include tenderness in the buttock region and, sometimes, pain during bowel movements or sexual activity.

Differentiation from Other Sciatic-like Symptoms:

  • It is crucial to Distinguish Piriformis Syndrome from other causes of sciatica, such as lumbar disc herniation or spinal stenosis. Unlike discogenic sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome does not typically cause pain in the lower back, and symptoms are more localized to the buttock and leg. Also, neurological deficits such as reduced reflexes or muscle weakness are less common in PS than in lumbar radiculopathy.

Implications of Misdiagnosis and Over-diagnosis:

  • Misdiagnosing or overdiagnosing Piriformis Syndrome can lead to inappropriate treatments, prolonged discomfort, and potentially the worsening of underlying conditions. It's important to conduct a thorough clinical assessment and consider imaging studies to rule out other causes of sciatica, ensuring that patients receive the most effective and targeted treatment.


Physical Examination

Manual Therapy Image

A comprehensive evaluation is crucial for patients with sciatica-like symptoms to discern if Piriformis Syndrome (PS) is the underlying cause. This process involves a detailed medical history, thorough physical examination, and a combination of orthopedic and neurological assessments.

Initial Assessment:

  • The examination begins with a visual inspection and range-of-motion tests focusing on the lumbar spine. It is essential to observe for asymmetry, muscle spasms, or posture deviations that might suggest underlying mechanical issues.

Palpation and Specific Tests:

  • Palpation of the lower back, particularly around the piriformis muscle, helps identify areas of tenderness or muscle tightness. Specialized tests, such as the Piriformis Stretch Test or the Freiberg Test, can more indicate PS than general tests like the Straight Leg Raise, which is more commonly used to diagnose disc herniation.

Differentiating PS from Other Conditions:

  • Additional assessments may include hip joint mechanics and vascular screening (like the Homans Test for deep vein thrombosis). These tests differentiate PS from other conditions presenting with similar sciatica symptoms.

This thorough and specific approach to physical examination is key to accurately diagnosing Piriformis Syndrome and distinguishing it from other lumbar spine disorders.

Low Back Examination Video
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Orthopedic Assessment Video

Low Back Examination

To observe a demonstration of the standard orthopedic tests conducted during a clinical examination of the lower back, click on the video located to the right. The video showcases various tests commonly used to diagnose musculoskeletal conditions affecting the lower back.


Neurological/Vascular Testing

Practitioner With Reflex Hammer Examining Patient

A comprehensive neurological exam is vital for diagnosing musculoskeletal issues. It should assess sensation changes via dermatomal patterns—though these may vary between individuals and lack unanimous chart agreement—and deep tendon reflexes, which signal peripheral or central nervous system integrity, graded on a 0 to 4 scale at key reflex points.

Motor function is gauged through myotomes, with muscle strength rated from 0 (no contraction) to 5 (full motion against resistance) at specific muscle sites. Plain radiographs are advised for older patients with significant risk factors or symptoms. The Babinski sign, if present, points to an upper motor neuron issue. This in-depth neurological assessment aids in pinpointing and managing musculoskeletal disorders.

Lower Limb Neuro Examination video
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Lower Limb Neuro Examination video

The Lower Limb Neurological Examination is an essential component of the overall neurological examination process. It evaluates the sensory and motor neurons that supply the lower limbs. This examination aids in identifying any dysfunction in the nervous system and serves as a valuable screening and investigative tool.

Peripheral Vascular Examination Video
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Peripheral Vascular Examination - Video

Conducting a peripheral vascular examination is vital to identifying any signs of vascular-related pathology and can help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications. This examination is a valuable tool for ruling out any possible issues. The video demonstrates some of the most commonly used procedures in daily clinical practice.



MRI Image of Lumbar Spine

Imaging is integral to diagnosing Piriformis Syndrome (PS), differentiating it from other causes of sciatica and pinpointing the specific source of nerve irritation or compression. Various imaging techniques are employed, each with its strengths in visualizing different anatomical structures.


While X-rays are limited in their ability to view soft tissues and nerves, they are valuable in excluding other potential causes of sciatic pain, such as fractures or tumours. This makes them a useful initial screening tool in the diagnostic process.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the most informative imaging modality for PS. It provides detailed images of the piriformis muscle, sciatic nerve, and surrounding structures. It identifies muscular abnormalities, inflammation, and anomalous anatomical relationships between the sciatic nerve and piriformis muscle.


Ultrasound imaging offers real-time visualization of the sciatic nerve's path about the piriformis muscle. Its dynamic nature allows for assessing nerve movement and potential entrapment during different positions or activities, making it particularly useful for diagnosing PS.


Conservative Management

Effective treatment of Piriformis Syndrome (PS) typically involves a combination of non-surgical approaches tailored to alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve mobility:

Manual Therapy:

Techniques like myofascial release and massage are essential for loosening the piriformis muscle. Targeted stretching exercises help alleviate nerve compression and heat or cold therapy can reduce muscle spasms and pain.

Motion Specific Release (MSR):

MSR is particularly effective in treating PS. This comprehensive approach involves specific techniques to release muscle tension and improve mobility, focusing on the interconnectedness of body structures to address the root cause of the syndrome.

Mobilization Techniques:

Mobilizing the sacroiliac and hip joints can reduce muscle tension and improve alignment, subsequently reducing nerve irritation.

Acupuncture and Acupressure:

These traditional methods can be beneficial for managing pain and inflammation in PS. They stimulate specific body points to release muscle tension and enhance nerve function.

Epidural Steroid Injections:

For severe pain, an epidural steroid injection may be suggested to decrease inflammation and facilitate more effective participation in physical therapy and MSR.

Pain Medication:

Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or NSAIDs can provide symptomatic relief by managing pain and inflammation.

Lifestyle Modifications:

Adjustments in daily activities, including ergonomic seating, regular stretching, weight management, and minimizing prolonged sitting, play a crucial role in managing symptoms and preventing PS recurrence.

Combining these approaches, especially the integration of MSR, can significantly improve outcomes in PS, focusing on restoring function and alleviating discomfort.


Motion Specific Release

In addressing piriformis syndrome, motion-specific release (MSR) takes a comprehensive approach that looks beyond the piriformis muscle to the entire myofascial kinetic chain. This method acknowledges that sciatic nerve compression often arises from imbalances and restrictions in other body parts. MSR targets these interconnected structures, focusing on the root causes of symptoms to restore healthy movement patterns. The process includes assessing and treating fascial restrictions and joint dysfunctions through techniques like joint mobilization and targeted soft tissue therapies. This holistic strategy alleviates immediate discomfort and promotes long-term musculoskeletal health and functional balance.

Sciatic Nerve Release Video
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Sciatic Nerve Release

In this video, Dr. Abelson demonstrates Motion-Specific Release (MSR) techniques to alleviate sciatic nerve pain caused by various conditions, including piriformis syndrome. These MSR procedures focus on releasing the sciatic nerve, addressing the root causes, such as muscle and fascia restrictions, and restoring normal function. By targeting the piriformis muscle and surrounding structures, MSR helps relieve sciatic nerve compression and alleviate associated pain and discomfort.

Fascial Expansion: MSR Hip Pain Protocol Video
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Fascial Expansion: MSR Hip Pain Protocol

Utilizing fascial expansions in managing piriformis syndrome is a highly effective strategy that integrates modern insights into fascia, kinetic chain relationships, and principles from acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. This approach targets the interconnected fascial structures and muscle imbalances contributing to sciatic nerve compression, providing comprehensive relief and promoting overall musculoskeletal health.


Exercise is Critical

Exercise plays a crucial role in managing Piriformis Syndrome by facilitating the elongation and strengthening of the piriformis muscle. This targeted approach helps alleviate nerve compression and mitigate pain. Regular, specific exercises enhance muscular flexibility and contribute to hip joint stabilization. Improved blood circulation from these activities aids in reducing inflammation and expediting the healing process. Consequently, a structured exercise regimen is essential for symptomatic relief and preventing future episodes of Piriformis Syndrome.

Piriformis Syndrome Exercise Video
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Piriformis Syndrome: Exercises for Pain Relief

In this video, MIki Burton RMT demonstrates some effective exercises for resolving Piriformis Syndrome (PS). PS, a neuromuscular disorder, arises due to the piriformis muscle's entrapment or compression of the sciatic nerve. It's characterized by low back and buttock pain and is sometimes interchangeably used with Deep Gluteal Syndrome (DGS). The piriformis muscle, while small, plays a significant role in lower body mechanics, especially in hip joint stability and rotation.



Piriformis Syndrome (PS) is a unique form of sciatica caused by the piriformis muscle compressing the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain and discomfort. Unlike disc-related sciatica, PS stems from nerve entrapment in the deep gluteal space. This article has explored the complexities of PS, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. We've examined the anatomy of the piriformis muscle, its relationship with the sciatic nerve, and the factors contributing to PS, offering insights into diagnosis and treatment.

Understanding PS involves recognizing the role of the entire myofascial kinetic chain in sciatic nerve compression. Effective management of PS requires a comprehensive approach, integrating manual therapy, Motion Specific Release (MSR), mobilization techniques, and specific exercises to relieve symptoms and improve long-term musculoskeletal health. By addressing the root causes and interconnected structures, practitioners can develop targeted interventions, enabling patients to achieve lasting relief and improved function.



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Photo of Dr. Brian Abelson

Dr. Abelson is dedicated to using evidence-based practices to improve musculoskeletal health. At Kinetic Health in Calgary, Alberta, he combines the latest research with a compassionate, patient-focused approach. As the creator of the Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems, he aims to educate and share techniques to benefit the broader healthcare community. His work continually emphasizes patient-centred care and advancing treatment methods.


MSR Instructor Mike Burton Smiling

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