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Using the MSR Pro: Condition Article Index

Condition Article Index

One of the significant challenges in clinical practice is effectively communicating with patients and referring physicians about the conditions we treat, our processes, and the scientific evidence supporting our approaches. At Motion Specific Release (MSR), we believe providing patients and physicians with comprehensive and accessible information is crucial to bridging this communication gap. This is where our MSR Pro Condition Article Index comes into play.

Article Index:


What is the MSR Pro Condition Article Index?

Our Condition Article Index is invaluable, enabling practitioners to share detailed information on over 45 of the most common musculoskeletal conditions encountered in clinical practice. Each article is meticulously crafted to enhance both patient and physician understanding and engagement, following this structured format:

Suggested Reading For Your Patients


Each article begins with a detailed introduction covering the following key aspects:

  • Condition Overview: A clear and concise explanation of the condition, including its definition, causes, and general impact on health.

  • Signs and Symptoms: Detailed descriptions to help patients identify and understand their conditions.

  • Anatomy and Biomechanics: Insights into the structural and functional aspects of the affected area.

  • Kinetic Chains and Fascia Involvement: Explaining the interconnectedness of bodily systems and their roles in the condition.

Examination & Diagnosis:

The Examination and Diagnosis section of each article includes the following components:

  • Diagnosis: Supported by over 70 integrated videos illustrating key orthopedic and neurological tests, providing clear, visual explanations of diagnostic procedures.

  • Imaging: Information on the types of imaging recommended and their relevance to diagnosis.

  • Differential Diagnosis: A thorough approach to distinguishing the condition from similar ailments.


This section is essential for educating both patients and physicians about our processes. Often, patients and physicians may not fully understand our methods or the reasoning behind our recommendations. This part of the article includes:

  • Treatment Demonstrations: Video demonstrations of Motion Specific Release (MSR) procedures to enhance understanding for both patients and referring physicians.

  • Treatment Frequency and Review Recommendations: When patients and physicians understand the logic behind our recommendations and see a structured schedule of treatment numbers and review times, they gain much more confidence in our processes.


Our articles emphasize the importance of recommending individualized exercise programs tailored to meet each patient's needs. These programs are functionally based on mobility, strength, and proprioceptive training, with specific recommendations for conditions involving nerve compression syndromes or specific myofascial and kinetic chain involvement.

MSR Pro Exercise Prescription Pads: In our MSR Pro section, practitioners have access to over 250 exercise videos, organized into 10 fillable PDF prescription pads covering 9 regions from the jaw to the foot. For more information on our "MSR Pro Exercise Prescription Pads," CLICK HERE.


Each article is supported by peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary references, validating manual therapy and exercise used to treat that condition. These references are crucial as they ensure the information is credible and current. By including various perspectives from multiple disciplines, our references strengthen our treatment approaches' evidence-based, multidisciplinary perspectives, promoting confidence among practitioners and patients alike.


Condition Article Index Examples

Why Use the Condition Article Index?

  1. Empower Patients: By providing precise and detailed information, we enable patients to better understand their conditions and treatment plans. This can have a substantial effect on patient adherence to treatment recommendations.

  2. Increase Your Referrals: Most practitioners receive 90% of their patients' referrals through word of mouth. However, by collaborating with our patients' family physicians and educating them about our processes, we can significantly increase referral rates from multiple sources, including our patients. This approach allows us to tap into a larger audience and demographic. Additionally, this collaboration may provide opportunities to lecture at numerous events and conferences, further enhancing our reach and referral potential.

  3. Enhance Communication: The structured format and video demonstrations help demystify complex medical concepts, making it easier for patients to understand our evidence-based treatment processes and rationale. They also enable physicians to confidently refer to practitioners when they know our diagnostic methods, treatment plans, and overall reasoning.


MSR Pro Web Site Section

How to Use the Condition Article Index

Accessing the Article Index

  • After logging into MSR-Pro, navigate to the Pro resource section, then to selection Conditions > Article Index.

  • Under "Article Index" you will see a section called RECOMMENDED READINGS FOR YOUR PATIENTS.

Download the form to your computer. 

  1. Click the "Download Now" button. 

  2. Fill in the patient's name, your name, and any notes. 

  3. Select relevant articles for your patient. 

  4. Save the file, adding the patient's name to the file name. 

  5. Email the updated form to your patient. 


Fillable PDF Form Click Boxes

Using the Fillable PDF Forms With Your EHR system

Several EHR and practice management systems support the upload and integration of fillable PDF forms. Here are just some of the programs that allow you to upload and use fillable PDFs within their systems:

  • Jane App - Supports the upload of fillable PDFs, allowing you to use custom forms within the system.

  • ChiroSUITE - This program can be used with fillable PDFs.

  • Practice Fusion: Allows for the upload of external documents, including fillable PDFs, to patient records.

  • WebPT - Supports the upload of various document types, including fillable PDFs, to patient records.

  • Kareo - Allows the upload of fillable PDF documents to patient records.

  • DrChrono - Supports uploading fillable PDFs directly into the system.

  • Athenahealth - Supports uploading fillable PDF documents to patient records.

  • TheraNest - Allows you to upload fillable PDFs and other documents into patient files.

  • SimplePractice – Supports uploading fillable PDFs to client records.

The Process

While the exact steps may vary slightly between different systems, the general process to upload fillable PDF forms is as follows:


  • Log In: Access your EHR or practice management system.

  • Navigate to Document Management: Look for a section like “Documents,” “File Uploads,” or “Forms.”

  • Upload PDF: Use the upload feature to add your fillable PDF form. This might be labeled as “Upload Document,” “Add File,” or similar.

  • Assign to Patient Record: Once uploaded, assign the document to the relevant patient record. Ensure it is correctly categorized for easy retrieval.

  • Test the Form: Open the uploaded PDF within the system to ensure all fillable fields are working correctly.

Two Example on how to uploading a Fillable PDF


Jane App - Process

  • Log In to Jane App: Access your Jane App account.

  • Go to the “Forms” Section: Navigate to the area where you can manage forms and documents.

  • Upload the PDF: Click on the option to upload a new form or document. Select your fillable PDF from your computer.

  • Categorize and Save: Assign a category to the form (e.g., “Patient Intake,” “Examination Form”) and save it.

  • Attach to Patient Records: Use the form with patient records as needed during consultations or treatments.

ChiroSUITE - Process

  • Upload Fillable PDFs: You can upload your fillable PDF forms directly into ChiroSUITE. This allows you to use your customized forms within the system without needing to recreate them from scratch.

  • Patient Records: Attach these PDF forms to patient records for easy access and editing during consultations or treatments.

  • Form Completion: Fill out the PDFs within ChiroSUITE during patient interactions, ensuring that all necessary information is captured accurately and efficiently.

  • Storage and Retrieval: Store the completed forms within the patient's electronic health record (EHR) for future reference and retrieval.



The MSR Pro Condition Article Index is an invaluable tool that bridges the communication gap between practitioners, patients, and referring physicians. It provides detailed, structured, and accessible information on 45 common musculoskeletal conditions, enhancing patient comprehension and engagement. The inclusion of video demonstrations, individualized exercise programs, and peer-reviewed references ensures the information is not just theoretical, but practical and evidence-based, fostering greater confidence in our treatment processes.

Moreover, the MSR Pro Condition Article Index is not just a tool; it's a game-changer. It empowers patients, significantly improving their adherence to treatment recommendations. This, in turn, leads to a substantial increase in referral rates from multiple sources. By collaborating with family physicians and educating them about our methods, we open broader professional engagement and outreach opportunities. This comprehensive approach to patient education and professional collaboration ultimately enhances the overall quality of care and expands the reach and impact of our clinical practice.


MSR Instructor Mike Burton Smiling

Join Us at Motion Specific Release

Enroll in our courses to master innovative soft-tissue and osseous techniques that seamlessly fit into your current clinical practice, providing your patients with substantial relief from pain and a renewed sense of functionality. Our curriculum masterfully integrates rigorous medical science with creative therapeutic paradigms, comprehensively understanding musculoskeletal diagnosis and treatment protocols.

Join MSR Pro and start tapping into the power of Motion Specific Release. Have access to:

  • Protocols: Over 250 clinical procedures with detailed video productions.

  • Examination Procedures: Over 70 orthopedic and neurological assessment videos and downloadable PDF examination forms for use in your clinical practice are coming soon.

  • Exercises: You can prescribe hundreds of Functional Exercises Videos to your patients through our downloadable prescription pads.

  • Article Library: Our Article Index Library with over 45+ of the most common MSK conditions we all see in clinical practice. This is a great opportunity to educate your patients on our processes. Each article covers basic condition information, diagnostic procedures, treatment methodologies, timelines, and exercise recommendations. All of this is in an easy-to-prescribe PDF format you can directly send to your patients.

  • Discounts: MSR Pro yearly memberships entitle you to a significant discount on our online and live courses.

Integrating MSR into your practice can significantly enhance your clinical practice. The benefits we mentioned are only a few reasons for joining our MSR team.



The content on the MSR website, including articles and embedded videos, serves educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice; only certified MSR practitioners should practice these techniques. By accessing this content, you assume full responsibility for your use of the information, acknowledging that the authors and contributors are not liable for any damages or claims that may arise.

This website does not establish a physician-patient relationship. If you have a medical concern, consult an appropriately licensed healthcare provider. Users under the age of 18 are not permitted to use the site. The MSR website may also feature links to third-party sites; however, we bear no responsibility for the content or practices of these external websites.

By using the MSR website, you agree to indemnify and hold the authors and contributors harmless from any claims, including legal fees, arising from your use of the site or violating these terms. This disclaimer constitutes part of the understanding between you and the website's authors regarding the use of the MSR website. For more information, read the full disclaimer and policies in this website.



The MSR Condition Article Index are proprietary materials owned by BKAT Motion Specific Release and Dr. Brian Abelson, provided exclusively to subscribers of our services. By utilizing the Condition Article Index, you agree to use them solely within the scope of our prescribed services. Any reproduction, distribution, or unauthorized use of these materials without express permission from Motion Specific Release and Dr. Brian Abelson is strictly prohibited. Should you choose to unsubscribe from our services, you must immediately cease using the MSR Condition Article Index and delete any copies you have in your possession. Continued use of these Condition Article Index after unsubscribing constitutes a violation of our copyright policy and may result in legal action.

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